Bidding will begin on 10/11/2015 and be conducted in the Room 1001C (the old 5x5 office) and the Union Office.  Information pertinent to our bid process, such as copies of each area’s BWS, is available below.

Phone Numbers for bidding are: (904) 549-1444, 3180 or 1480.

  1. Two NATCA Representatives from each area will be in charge of all bidding. The bidding team will ensure each bargaining unit member receives the bid rules at least 12 hours prior to the beginning of the bidding process.  Bidding will take place in the room between 1200 and 1600 local, seven days a week. A Bidder can take your bid anytime if they are available to put it in the computer.
  2. The Basic Watch Schedule and annual leave bidding shall be accomplished by NATCA seniority. 
  3. Employees shall be released from their respective Area within 15 minutes of their OSIC/CIC being notified of a pending bid time, operations permitting.  Employees will be allotted twenty (20) minutes to make their RDO selection and 1st Prime Time vacation annual leave request.  Employees will be allotted 15 minutes for their round 2 and 3 leave requests.  Each Area will maintain a current bid list and shall take an active roll in assisting the bid process. 
  4. Certified Professional Controllers in Training (CPC-ITs) and Developmentals who have been designated to bid as a CPC, shall bid as a CPC.
  5. Those BUEs deemed ineligible to bid as CPCs shall bid by seniority from designated developmental lines, based upon his/her individual qualifications.  Those certified on all radar associate positions within their area will make a selection from the available R-Developmental lines, with all others selecting from the available D- Developmental lines. 
  6. Employees may only request leave opportunities that the agency has determined are available. For the year, the agency has determined the following:
    1. Up to one CPC-per-crew, per-day, from January 10, 2016 through January 7, 2017 (rounds 1, 2 & 3). Up to five CPC’s per day, area wide, for rounds 4, 5 & 6 excluding April 2-10, 2016.
      Note:Annual Leave requested after round three (3) for the period between April 2 and April 10, 2016 will be approved in accordance with Article 24 (staffing and workload).
    2. For Traffic Management, up to two TMC’s per-day, from January 10, 2016
    3. Up to one developmental-per-area, per-day can be on vacation leave from January 10, 2016 through January 7, 2017.
  7. The Method of Recording Non-Prime Time Leave
    1. In the first three (3) rounds, employees may only record requests up to the amount of annual leave they will accrue during the upcoming leave year plus any annual, credit or comp-time leave that they carryover from 2015. If an employee wishes to bid more annual leave than they will accrue, they will be expected to provide documentation (LES or CEDAR Data & the My Leave report from Web Scheduler) indicating that they will have sufficient leave to cover their selection.
    2. In all rounds of bidding, employees may record requests for one (1) or two (2) consecutive or non-consecutive weeks of annual leave or portions there-of per round.
    3. Upon conclusion of bidding round three, the NATCA Area Representatives will accept OPM-71s for employees that have accumulated annual leave, restored annual leave, or credit/comp balances for annual leave opportunities that may still be available. You may submit additional leave requests, prioritizing them by labeling them #1, #2, #3, etc. To be included in the initial additional leave period you must submit your choices to the area Representative within seven (7) days after the third round bidding is complete.
    4. You may bid up to two weeks per OPM-71, or any portion thereof (the same rules apply that were used for rounds 1-3).  The Area Rep will put each request in numbered order by seniority and return the forms to the area scheduler. These rounds are guaranteed leave subject to leave availability. If the Leave is not available for a day requested the BUE name will be placed in the request list by seniority. These excess requests will be acted on under the guidance of article 24. Any additional leave requests submitted after the seven (7) day closing date will be acted on in a first come, first served basis (Spot Leave). 
    5. Other than leave scheduled in rounds 1, 2, and 3, November 24, December 25 or January 1 holiday leave will be done using a lottery.  No additional leave requests will be honored for these days.  Each Area NATCA Representative will conduct the lottery for their Area and submit the list to the Area scheduler in order they are to be listed in Web Schedules.
    6. A week of annual leave for the purposes of bidding may include RDOs but no more than five (5) total days of annual leave and must be consecutive in total (No more than 5 total days of annual leave, exclusive of RDO’s).  Only one of the following holidays, July 4, November 24, December 25 or January 1 may be requested during the first round of prime time Annual leave bidding (December 25, 2016 and January 1, 2017 may be bid together as a consecutive bid).  A workweek for the purposes of this section is defined as containing a holiday, if the holiday falls within the workweek or adjoining RDO’s.

Further information can be obtained by reviewing the following: